All lawyers in NSW are government by the Legal Profession Uniformed Law effective from 1 July 2015. This law regulates, amongst other things, how lawyers are required to deal with the important issue of costs. Fundamentally, a lawyer must make disclosure as soon as reasonably practical after instructions are given in a matter and provide the lawyer’s client with information disclosing the basis on which legal costs will be calculated and an estimate of the total legal costs.
McLaughlin & Riordan are sensitive to the fact that most people are concerned to ensure that they understand how legal fees for services provided will work.
For most compensation claims McLaughlin & Riordan provides legal services on a conditional fee or no-win, no-fee basis. This will be clearly set out in the Costs Disclosure/Fees Agreement that we provide at the outset of your claim.
If there are concerns it is always our intention to resolve those with further discussion before any costs obligation is incurred.